Advantage of Silicone Hydrogel Lenses over Hydrogel Lenses

Advantage of Silicone Hydrogel Lenses over Hydrogel Lenses
Which Silicone Hydrogel Lenses Should I Buy?
“What contact lens content is the best?” says the narrator. Any contact lens wearer, particularly those with dry eye syndrome, has had a concern.
- “How essential is water content material in contact lenses?”
“Should I select hydrogel or silicone hydrogel lenses?”
“Which material is excellent for my subtle eyes?”
What kind of smooth contact lenses are there?
Nowadays, most contact lenses are both made of hydrogel or silicone hydrogel.
Both compounds have advantages and disadvantages.
Hydrogel Contact Lenses
Hydrogel lenses are plastic gel-like lenses that contain water, called hydrogels. These lenses are fragile and flexible and follow the surface of the eye.
Hydrogel lenses were first developed in the early 1970s. And their convenience and ease of use helped to boost contact lens acceptance.
When it comes to dry eyes, a hydrogel lens is forever the best feature.
Water evaporates from hydrogel lenses, making the cloth even less comfortable.
Comfortable and long-lasting
The human eye is biocompatible with this soft lens material.
Suitable for those with sensitive eyes
Oxygen absorption has decreased.
Less relaxed after many hours of wearing
Less elastic than silicone hydrogel
What are Silicone Hydrogel Lenses
Silicone hydrogel lenses are a more flexible kind of soft contact lens. They allow more oxygen to penetrate the cornea.
Introduced in 2002, it is an addition of hydrogel and silicone. It is viable for the producer to amplify the oxygen permeability, even with a low water level.
Modern silicone hydrogel lenses permit extra oxygen, reducing the hazard of eye hypoxia. Due to this trait, they have a sturdy urge to put on something for the long term.
These lenses have a lower wettability stage and are more prone to large deposits.
Benefits of Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses
Silicone hydrogel lenses offer a high level of comfort and hydration during the day. They ensure that the lenses stay shiny and moisturized throughout their athletic period. Silicone hydrogel lenses are suitable for weekly and monthly contact lenses.
Wearing silicone hydrogel lenses over more extended periods is more convenient. It is helpful for those who lead active lives, have long waste periods staring at a phone, or are prone to dry eyes.
Because of their increased comfort, they can also be used as extended-wear lenses. One can wear these lenses all day and night without being removed for up to a set period (one week to a month).
Since they drop the bother of washing contact lenses, they are perfect for those with a busy life. If you decide to go with these, you can consult an optician to ensure they are appropriate.
Let’s talk about contact lens materials with high water content.
Contact lenses are also classified into three groups based on their water quality.
Low water content material (up to 45%) – silicone hydrogel contact lens, meant for nonstop wear. They have a hundred percent oxygen (the ability for liquids and gases to flow through).
Hydrogel contact lenses with a midwater content (up to 60%) are suitable for most consumers.
Hydrogel contact lenses with a high water content (up to 90%) for more excellent touchy eyes.
Water Content and Oxygen Transmissibility (Dk/t)
The ratio of permeability of your lenses is proportional to their water content.
The more water in the cornea, the more difficult it is for oxygen to reach the cornea. It also works the other way around: the more permeable a substance is to oxygen, the less water can bind to it.
So, if your contacts are moist, they will be blissful and convenient to apply. But remember that water evaporates from your contact lenses over the day.
So many people who wear contact lenses believe that the more water they drink, the better their eyes. If this occurs, your eyes ought to end up dry. You can experience discomfort, as well as itchiness and a burning feeling.
Moisture so isn’t the only thing our eyes need to remain safe. Our eyes need oxygen. So when selecting contacts, you should always seek the advice of an eye doctor or Optometrist. Both wettability and breathability are essential. It’s about finding the right balance.
Silicone hydrogel lenses are the most common type.
1-DAY Acuvue Moist
1-day Acuvue Moist contact lenses are regular lenses that render the day appropriate and easy to use due to their wet lock technology.
Clarity 1-day
CooperVision Clarity 1-day silicone hydrogel contact lenses provide a good level of breathability. UV protection for eye wellbeing and all-day comfort at a low cost, all while helping the environment.
Are there colored silicone hydrogel lenses?
Yes, there are colored silicone hydrogel contact lenses.
Silicone hydrogel is used to make Air Optix Color contact lenses. Alcon’s vibrant range of colorful contact lenses comes in many shades.
Alcon & Ciba Vision’s patented 3-in-1 color technology offers a natural, vibrant look. Colored contact lenses can be painful to wear because the color pigment restricts the movement of water and oxygen in and out of the eye.
Browse our whole variety of Silicone Hydrogel contact lenses at Eye Contact Optician. Customers get next-day shipping on all orders.